Kew Residence
The owners of the Kew Residence had recently completed building their new family home and were looking for a landscape design that would complement the modern facade while the backyard offered different breakaway spaces, outdoor entertaining and activities.
The owners were wanting to incorporate a seating and paved area to extend from the outdoor patio, allowing space for a fire pit and small lawn areas either side to be utilised for outdoor entertainment and breakaway spaces.
A large portion of the backyard was dedicated to activities, a grassed area, and concrete paved area for a basketball ring was edged with high screening plants along the boundary to keep balls from going over the fence and added privacy.
A wide range of pavement types, feature stones, and timbers were used throughout the project with an emphasis on linear design to complement the facade.
The front garden is the focal point for planting, making use of colourful flowering feature trees, shrubs and ground covers, while the backyard took a more minimalist approach with the emphasis on material selection.