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Waterdale Residence

The owners of the Waterdale Residence had recently moved into the 1950's built unit and were looking for a design solution that would offer the best use of a small site, allowing space for their young children, and room for entertaining in the courtyard.  

The owners were wanting to incorporate a decking area that would be flush with the unit floor level, creating access to the deck via bi-fold doors. To soften the existing concrete courtyard,  feature plants ran the extent of the decking with a synthetic turf area at the bottom of the steps.


Given the size of the site, storage was an important factor as well as maximising play and entertainment space. This was achieved by combining a timber feature screen, seating and storage area all in one.  


The planting scheme utilised flowering feature trees and accent plants to bring colour and liveliness to the courtyard and low maintenance flowering shrubs in the front.

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